Monday, September 22, 2014

Handmade Squishy Tutorial

Squishy Tutorial, maybe that is out of the scope of what a toy shop is doing. But I've really enjoyed making this simple video to make really simple video.

Especially, most squishy making video are from overseas, kids in Singapore whom are interested in making their own squishy might have a hard time getting all the tools and supplies locally. Therefore I've decided to do some videos with easy to get materials from store you can find locally.

Meanwhile, it also help me to push my Facebook page with more "Like" and of cos now I'm posting in on my blog to let others that didn't have Facebook to be aware of these videos i've created.

I hope to do more such videos in future as long as I can afford the time to do it.

To give me your support, visit my Facebook page and "Like" my page, or you can subscribe to my blog and YouTube channel...

This is a super easy squishy making video.

This is the part 2 of it, which is very easy too...

This is a pretty one and I hope you can succeed by following my video.. <3



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